Welcome to Creative Course Review, a site dedicated to reviewing online creative courses.
If you are interested in learning about Animation, 3D Modelling, or Game Development then Creative Course Review is for you!
Here’s how Creative Course Review can help you:
This website is primarily aimed at those looking to learn a new creative skill. Schools and universities can cost thousands and if like me, you are already working full time, the thought of enrolling full time somewhere while trying to balance a job sounds like a nightmare. I’ve always been interested in learning cool new things, so I started looking at online schools and found that even online education can be expensive as well. Not only that, but handing over a small fortune for an online university course couse easily turn out to be something rather different to the experience you thought it was going to be.
Since then, I have since been introduced to better alternatives and find myself taking courses whenever I have free time. I want to share my experiences of them with you.
The main objective of this website is for creative course reviews, to help you decide whether or not they are right from you, from someone who has already gone through it. I will add more and more reviews, check back every now and then for something new.